In our life there are many problems that we need to solve. When we are facing in front of the cross roads, our decisions determine our life or future very much. Therefore,we need to select our choices carefully so we won't regret our life later.
List your options. This is the first step you have to do, if you don't have a goal, it will be very hard for you to achieve it!
I think when we make a decision, we must first consider the inner point, and then weigh the various factors, and make rational decisions, the most important thing is to make a decision after not regret it!
It may appear that there is only one course of action, but that is usually not true. Even if your situation seems limited, try to make a list of alternatives. Refrain from evaluating at this point; brainstorm and write down every idea that comes to mind, as crazy as it may seem. You can always cross it off the list later, but with those crazy ideas might come some creative solutions that you might not have considered otherwise. Then ask other people for suggestions. Be terse and ask them what they might do in your situation. Sometimes strangers can offer the most creative ideas because they do not share your assumptions or biases.
For every option, list every possible outcome and label it as positive or negative. One way to do this is to put a plus sign (+) next to a positive outcome and a minus sign (-) next to each negative outcome; especially positive or negative outcomes can get two signs instead of one. Some people find it helpful to make a decision tree, which lays out every possibility in visual format.